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The objectives and functions of the Manipur Remote Sensing Applications Centre (MARSAC) are listed below:

  1. To promote application of Remote Sensing and Geographical Information System (GIS) in different areas such as agriculture, forestry, disaster management, water resources, mineral resources, environment and land use planning, urbanization, rural development, etc;
  2. To act as an Nodal Agency for all Remote Sensing, Geographical Information System (GIS) and Global Positioning System(GPS) related works, procurement, supply & maintenance, analysis and creation of data, etc;
  3. To develop Geo-spatial based Agriculture and Horticulture Development Information System using Space Technology;
  4. To identify, initiate, undertake, coordinate and implement research and development projects of interest to the State Government using Remote Sensing technology;
  5. To organize, implement and participate in the training programmes, seminars, workshop, symposia and lectures for the man-power engaged in the implementation of plans and projects related to the Remote Sensing Technology Applications;
  6. To provide information and documentation facilities in remote sensing disseminate information and furnish results of remote sensing investigations carried out by the Manipur Remote Sensing Applications Centre (MARSAC) of the Society or any other organization i a suitable form of print, audio-visual and films;
  7. To acquire by gift, purchase, exchange, lease, hire or otherwise any property movable or immovable and to construct, improve, alter, demolish or repair buildings, works and constructions as may be necessary convenient for carrying out the activities of the Centre;
  8. To draw, accept, make and endorse for the purposes of the Centre, discount and negotiate Government of India and other promissory notes, bills of exchange, cheques or other negotiable instruments;
  9. To invest the funds of, or money entrusted to the Centre upon securities or in such manner as may from time to time be determined by the Government Body and from time to time to sell r transpose such investments, and
  10. To do all other such things as may be necessary, incidental or conductive to the attainment of all or any of the above objects, with or without collaboration of other Governments or agencies.
  11. To serve for the well beings of human using Remote Sensing (RS) and Geographical Information System (GIS);
  12. To act as catalyst through Remote Sensing and GIS to increase the developmental activity of the State;
  13. To facilitate effective utilization of natural resources;
  14. To provide proactive support and assistance to Manipur State in achieving the e-governance.

©Manipur Remote Sensing Applications Centre 2024.
Designed and Developed by MARSAC

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